International Conference
“Ancient Greek Dialectic and its Reception”
(15-16 June 2021)
Department of Philosophy-University of Patras
Organization: Melina G. Mouzala (Assistant Professor)
List of the participants and their subjects (in alphabetical order)
LUCAS ANGIONI: “Dialectic, Peirastic and Scientific Expertise in Aristotle”
HAN BALTUSSEN: “Simplicius’ Approach to Aristotle’s Dialectic and his Place in the Aristotelian Tradition”
DIRK BALTZLY: “Proclus’ on Plato’s Dialectic”
ΒEATRIZ BOSSI: “The Dialectician, the Sophist and the In-between: Watching the Philosopher’s Dramatic Strategies in τhe Phaedrus”
CHRISTOPHE ERISMANN: “Dialectical Methods in Ninth-Century Byzantium”
SILVIA FAZZO: “Aporiai with multiple solutions in Alexander of Aphrodisias”
RAFAEL FERBER: “Socrates’ flight into the Logoi: On Plato’s Phaedo, 99e4-100a3”
JOHN FINAMORE: “Dialectic and Allegorical Interpretation in Proclus’ Commentary on the Republic”
MICHAEL GRIFFIN: “Exegesis as Philosophy in Late Antiquity: Aristotelian methodology in the Neoplatonic commentators”
GWELTAZ GUYOMARC’H: “The services of Dialectic. Dialectic as an instrument for sciences in Alexander of Aphrodisias”
INNA KUPREEVA: “Alexander of Aphrodisias on the principle of non-contradiction”
KRISTIAN LARSEN: “Common Forms as a Prerequisite for Dialectical Inquiry in Plato’s Parmenides and Theaetetus”
FREDERICK LAURITZEN: “Dialectics, in eleventh century Constantinople”
PATRICIA MARECHAL: “Dialectical Arguments, Rhetoric, and the Study of Character: Aristotle on Thumos”
CLAUDIA MARSICO: “Dialectic struggles between the Megarians and Plato”
GRAEME MILES: “Michael Psellos on Allegory and Dialectic”
MELINA G. MOUZALA: “Pursuing Self-Knowledge in Plato’s Sophist: The communion of the Sophistic and Socratic Dialectic in the sixth definition of the sophist. A Reading based on Proclus’ interpretation”
ANNA PAVANI: “Dialectical Method(s) in Plato’s late dialogues”
IΡΙΝΑ PROTOPOPOVA: “Plato’s Socrates as an Implement of Testing the Limits”
ILARIA RAMELLI: “Ancient Greek Dialectic and its Reception in Origen of Alexandria”
SARA RAPPE: “Dialectic and Commentary: What is at stake in Damascius’ criticisms of Proclus’ metaphysics”
FRANCOIS RENAUD: “Dialectic as true rhetoric in Plato’s Gorgias”
ROMAN SVETLOV: “Dialectic and Skepticism in the Academy”
HAROLD TARRANT: “Elenchus and syllogistic in Olympiodorus of Alexandria”
ELIAS TEMPELIS: “The role of dialectic in Evgenios Voulgaris’ logical treatise”
SARAH WEAR: “Syrianus and Dialectic”
The Volume of the Conference will be published by Walter de Gruyter GmbH